Upcoming Courses at North Burleigh SLSC
TAE: Trainer Skills Set Course 6-7th August
SRC Intensive Course (U14’s only) 5th-21st August
SRC School Holidays (Dates TBC)
Bronze Course 20th October – 18th December. SIGN UP LINK HERE

There are a few tasks that will require your immediate attention prior to attending the course.
– 400mtr Pool swim (form here) in 9 minutes or less.
– Be a financial member with North Burleigh SLSC
– Have a valid Blue Card
– Attain your Unique Student Identifier (USI) number (Students ONLY)- please see below instructions.
1. Apply for a USI at www.usi.gov.au
2. Link your USI with Life Saving Queensland. Complete the Online Student Registration- https://lifesaving.com.au/sls- member-registration-2
3. Once you have received your enrolment confirmation (example) please email to office@northburleighslsc.com.au
Award Training
In order to perform rescues, you need to learn the essential skills necessary to save a life, At North Burleigh, we teach our members life saving skills and techniques which can be of benefit to the community and work environment as well as the beach. The surf club has a solid background of training and coaching at all levels in all arenas, from beach, boat, swim, board, ski and IRB to First Aid and Patrol competitions. As well as high quality competition and a focus on camaraderie and enjoyment, North Burleigh SLSC is committed to the vital community service that makes surf life saving as a movement so unique. All members are able to participate in Award training for several life saving awards including:
- Surf Rescue Certificate
- Bronze Medallion
- Advanced Resuscitation Certificate
- First Aid
- Silver Medallion Beach Management
- IRB (Inflatable Rescue Boat) Driver and Crew
Advanced Resuscitation Techniques (ART)
Course Pre-requisites
- Surf Club Member
- Hold First Aid Cert
- Minimum of 15 years of age at date of assessment
Upcoming Course Dates – We currently have no courses booked.
Bronze Medallion Course
Course Pre-requisites
- Surf Club Member
- Minimum of 15 years of age at date of assessment
- 400m pool swim in 9 minutes or less